On March 31, La Spezia, on the patrol team Aviere, there will be a ceremony to activate the component Mine Countermeasures Force Maritime Union. The Naval Group, a frigate commanded by Captain Daniel Boddi, is composed of two Italian ships (Aviere, Rimini), a French (Orion) and English (Duero). The Commander in Chief of the Naval Squadron and Euromarfor Commander, Admiral Joseph Lertora, will attend the ceremony, accompanied by military representatives of participating countries. On 1 April, the naval group will leave the port of La Spezia to take part in a multinational exercise known as Italian-Minex in 2008, planned by the Italian Navy to increase the interoperability of the crews to work in diverse contexts to ensure the freedom of maritime navigation sea. In the waters off Lebanon, inanto, continues the maritime surveillance activities under UN auspices, the Group consists of the two Naval ships Euromarfor Espero Bettica and Italian, French and English Coubet Vecendora part of the UNIFIL mission.
Saturday, March 29, 2008
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Thursday, March 27, 2008
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named after Giovanni Pezzulo
A climbing route was unveiled and dedicated to Surobi, Afghanistan, to the memory of 1 Marshal John Pezzulo, the Petty Officer of the CIMIC Group South Motta di Livenza and living with his family in Oderzo died February 13, 2008 as a result of a firefight. The route has been equipped by the Alpini Parachute Regiment of the 4th Monte Cervino. A brief ceremony opened the way, in climbing have ventured after military of all ranks serving in Surobi: a special way to remember the fallen in war buddy course of a humanitarian assistance. This is the latest initiative, in order of time, to remember the figure of John Pezzulo, much appreciated for his generosity and his commitment to the people devastated by war. Marshal to the City Council Oderzo also decided to dedicate a street: a new road in the area of \u200b\u200bMason.

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The Herat Provincial Reconstruction Team in Italian driving has completed major donations over € 20,000 for the various social sectors of the local community. In particular they have been transferred to the Provincial Council of Herat educational materials that will feed into the compartment such as desks, computers, printers. An all-female school of tailoring was also inaugurated through the efforts of the same financial and social Provincial Reconstruction Team. These days were also completed work on the construction of a barrier in the river Karuck district where 40 villages for a total population of 200,000 people risk the effects of an expected flood of the river phenomenon Pashtoon. For this project, the Italian Provincial Reconstruction Team had allocated 40,000 euros needed to buy materials to the construction of sites for the construction work. The Italian Provincial Reconstruction Team, based on 132 ° Tank Regiment based in Cordenons, operates as a central coordination, planning and development of the most important projects in favor and support of the population of the province of Herat.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
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On the occasion of the celebration of Holy Easter, Italian sailors of the naval contingent of UNIFIL have experienced significant moments of the Easter Triduum in active patrol waters off the Lebanese coast in order to enforce Resolutions 1701 and 1773 of the UN Security Council. Despite the pressing commitments of the peace mission entails, have been made to allow a further effort to live the Easter celebrations of Holy Thursday, the Stations of the Cross, Easter Vigil Celbrazione and solemn, with full respect for tradition and in an attempt to reduce, at least ideally, lontanza affections. During the stopover in Limassol, Cyprus Ambassador to Italy Luigi Napolitano, accompanied by the Honorary Consul Andreas Zenonos and representatives of the Italian community in Cyprus, he wanted to share the celebration of Easter Mass with the crew of the ship Hesperus.

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typical day for the national contingents operating in the Afghan capital. Only the Easter Mass, celebrated by a military chaplain in all the Italian bases, marked the holiday. Alpine Airborne Ranger and framed in the Regional Command Capital ISAF, the Italian-led command responsible for Kabul, have as their usual patrol areas, providing medical services in rural areas and making distributions of notebooks, pens and pencils for the young Afghans who have just taken over the school. A Surobi, where is the unit he belonged to the First Marshal Giovanni Pezzulo, the sergeant who died February 13, 2008 in a firefight, was named a street climbing gear from fellow Alpini Parachute Base near the Tora. A brief ceremony opened the way in which you are climbing soon after ventured military of all ranks serving in Surobi: a special way to remember the fallen comrade during an operation humanitarian assistance. The day of the Passover ended with the destruction in the afternoon, from practitioners of Engineers, dell'ingente quantity of explosive devices found in recent days by the Italian patrols in cooperation with the security forces and local Afghan authorities.

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was held at the Italian compound in Kabul International Airport, the alternation between the Captain of Frigate Captain John Altomonte and Enrico Esposto frigate under the command of Task Force Panther Navy, seen in the Regional Capital Command, a subordinate command of ISAF in Kabul responsible for the region. Several missions have been carried out by the Task Force in the skies of the Afghan capital as part of Operation X ISAF under the leadership of Captain of Frigate Alton, who, in yielding control after four months of intense activity, stressed the professionalism and competence his men hard in a theater like Afghanistan. " Staff come from 4 Helicopter Squadron in Grottaglie (Taranto), which forms the backbone of the Task Force as well as from the 2nd and 3rd Helicopter Group of Catania and from 1 to 5 Squadron helicopters Luni (La Spezia) , united under the symbol of the Pantera to form a compact group. The Task Force Panther is able to provide independently all flight activity to which it requires, with flight crews, personnel for operational support, technical maintenance teams are able to guarantee the efficiency of the helicopters operating up to the second level maintenance technician, several components consist of Officers and NCOs for the logistic and administrative support. Reconnaissance, transportation of personnel, medical transportation and control of the territory: these missions so far carried out by helicopters AB212 Eliassalto crafted for the theater of operations, 260 flights totaling 285 hours of flight, 63 of them at night with night vision goggles. Do not forget the many rendition flights during visits to Kabul, including those of Prime Minister, Minister of Defence, British, Italian Ambassador to Kabul, and of the highest national military authorities. Diuturno essential service performed by aircraft of the Task Force is to ensure readiness for both day and night operations of urgent transport to health. The Task Force Panther, now under the guidance of the captain of a frigate will be exposed in the Afghan theater until next June and will be redeployed at the Kabul International Airport along with other military contingents engaged in the ISAF. An important presence to contribute, in synergy with all the quotas of the various countries present, the maintenance a safe environment in order to help the Afghan government in rebuilding the country. To complete the frame is the presence of a member of the San Marco Regiment. Selected and specially trained staff to ensure, especially outside air, the safety of personnel and equipment of the Task Force. The Lions of the Regiment also thanks to their ability to provide escort services to the needs of the Task Force activities and contribute to Force Protection in the district of Kabul International Airport.
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On March 20, 2008, the Italian Ambassador to Kabul, Ettore Sequi met with military service in the region of the Afghan capital in two separate occasions. In the morning we attended an interesting panel discussion about the Italian commitment in Afghanistan, organized at the initiative of General Alberto Primiceri at the ISAF headquarters in Kabul. Many topics covered at the conference by Ambassador Sequi and his staff before a large audience of military command of ISAF at all levels of Italfor and EUPOL: the concept of national interest to the contribution that Italy is making in judicial reform, through the initiatives of civil-military cooperation and the ways in which you are developing the national system, with reference to the experiences of other nations. In the afternoon, the diplomat was flown aboard a helicopter Regional Command of the Capital at a time of Surobi, east of Kabul, where there are the Rangers of the Matterhorn and the 185 Parachute Regiment. Ambassador Sequi met the staff of the Task Force and then visited some villages in the area affected by a number of infrastructure rehabilitation projects, prior to converse with local authorities and to congratulate the Italian soldiers for the work done in support of security and reconstruction in a sensitive area of \u200b\u200bthe Afghan capital.
Thursday, March 20, 2008
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The U.S. Ambassador to Chad, Louis Nigro, during his visit to EUFOR at Camp Command Cross, visited the field hospital of the Italian contingent. The diplomat, accompanied dall'Addetto for the Defense of the United States in Chad and Central African Republic, Lieutenant Colonel Lovelace, after a thorough medical illustration on the ability of the hospital complex by the Director of the ROLE 2, Lieutenant Colonel Arnaldo Gallucci, was cordially entertained speaking in Italian with the medical staff boasting its Italian origins.

Monday, March 17, 2008
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was held last March 12 to visit the ISAF commander General Dan McNeill, the soldiers of the Italian contingent engaged in forward operating bases in the valleys of Mushai and Surobi, respectively 40 km to the south and 60 km east of Kabul. General McNeill, accompanied by the Commander of ISAF Regional Command Capital, General Federico Bonato, met climbers Italfor, commanded by Colonel Michele Risi, and Alpini Parachute Regiment Ranger. During his visit, the senior officer has been greatly appreciated by the equipment and the professionalism of the Italian soldiers engaged in the active control of the territory and in the process of Afghan reconstruction and development of the country uttering words of deep satisfaction with their work. The General also attended a meeting with Afghan civil authorities of the district where gravitate Italian forces and was able to appreciate the health care provided daily by medical teams to the national population civil.

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Soldiers of Company 22 ^ Alpine, they found a cache of ammunition during a task of health care in favor of the Afghan people. The soldiers were taking care of the civilians in the village of Halu Keyla Malecki and when the local civil authorities in Afghanistan, gained strong confidence to the Italian soldiers, informed the staff of the quota, the presence in a nearby cemetery for a deposit of war material still active . Arriving on the site, found some Alpine RPG7, mortar bombs, hand grenades and sub-munitions. Contacted the local police and personnel of the Company Platoon EOD Italfor of Engineers, which specializes in the destruction of weapons, ammunition found in the cachet, transported in a safe place, they were detonated.
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In the second half of April, the military drive west of Afghanistan, the region of Herat, will move to Aircraft Brigade Friuli. To this date will arrive on the ground a hundred men of the Command, based in Bologna, the 66th Regiment and 350 aircraft Trieste Forlì. In the same area there are the special forces of the Italian Task Force 45, and September, the five Mangusta helicopters of Friuli framed, with three large Chinook transport, the Task Force Phoenix. The strengthening of the West is the solution that Italy has in mind to support the top of the NATO to be held in Bucharest April 2 to 4. The problem is not to increase the number of men in uniform posted in Afghanistan. In this design would be fully functional including the reduction from 1250 to 500 soldiers scheduled for the end of the summer for the Regional Command Capital, ie the Kabul region, will expire when the turn of Italian driving, now entrusted to the Alpine Brigade Taurinense. At that Italy could also give up the rotation of the command with France and Turkey, keeping in the area of \u200b\u200bthe capital one Alpine Battalion.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
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part of the rotation of men who form the Italian contingent in Afghanistan, a company of 183 ° Nembo was deployed to Herat, where it was inserted into the Task Force to guide the 132 Armored Brigade Aries. In the coming months that will change the philosophy seems to use the formula task force (nuclei of several brigades that provide individual specialties, which together form a force projection unified command), to give rise to an array of Brigade. Unconfirmed reports speak of a new job outside the box in early 2009 for the Lightning.
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A helicopter, engaged in a flight to turn right just made a difficult crash landing near Frosinone, and two drivers were injured slightly. According to the Provincial Command of the Fire Department of Frosinone, the helicopter Italian Air Force took off for a training flight from the airport Moscardini. For reasons currently unknown, however, the aircraft made an emergency landing in the country, in places Starnelle, between the towns of Ceccano and Arnara. "There are two minor injuries," said an employee of the Operations Room of the Fire Department. "At first it seemed to be a most serious incident, there was talk of fire, but our team in place that says there is only a little 'smoke, and that pilots have reported minor injuries."
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The Commander of the Lebanese Naval Forces, Admiral Boutros Abi Nasr, met with Rear Admiral Ruggiero Di Biase, Commander of the Naval Euromarfor Group and Commander of the Multinational maritime force operating under the Interim Force in Lebanon UN headquarters on board the Command Unit, Ship Hesperus, under the command of Frigate Captain Nicholas Ricciardi. The frigate Espero, along with other naval units of the countries that contribute to Task Force 448, including patrolling the seas Bettica Italian Commander, under the command of Frigate Captain Fabio Farina, was on patrol in the waters just outside the coast of Lebanon for 'fulfillment of their mission under the aegis of the United Nations pursuant to Resolution No. 1701 and Resolution No. 1773. The Commander of Naval Forces Lebanese had the opportunity to learn more about the organization, tasks and on the contribution of the Group and the Naval Task Force 448 Euromarfor to UNIFIL, as well as to attend some demonstration activities related to the techniques of collision suspicious merchant ships and to establish, with the Task Force 448, the general outline of the cooperation and interaction between the Naval Forces of the Task Force of UNIFIL and the Lebanese Naval Forces, with particular reference to their training. The presence of forces from the Task Force of UNIFIL (Italy, France, Portugal, Spain, along with Germany, Greece and Turkey) in the waters just outside the coast of Lebanon, is aimed at preventing the trafficking of illegal weapons from the sea to Lebanon and to enforce UN Resolution 1701 and 1773. The two resolutions, inter alia, include support to the Lebanese authorities to 'acquire the skills necessary to be able to meet its responsibilities in the area of \u200b\u200bsecurity within their territorial spaces, or ensure their own and have full control' asserting its authority over Lebanese territory and territorial waters.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008
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LERICI Algiers for
The Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group 2 consists of the Command and Support Ship English Diana and five minesweepers (Lerici, Turia, Bad Rappenau, Ayvalik and Evropa) visited the port of Algiers from 3 to March 4 according to a program of annual visits to strengthen the union between NATO and Algeria, described as "Mediterranean dialogue". The Mediterranean Dialogue was launched in 1994 and now includes the participation of seven non-NATO countries: Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Mauritania, Morocco and Tunisia. This protocol reflects the idea that security of NATO in Europe is closely tied to stability in the Mediterranean during a visit to Algiers Lerici ship's crew took part in many activities together with the Algerian counterparts to strengthen the spirit of collaboration and sharing rules and procedures with a view to future joint activities. After visiting three Algerian officials have embarked on minesweepers of the Standing NATO Mine Counter Measures Group 2 during the transfer to the port of Naples to familiarize yourself with the seafaring activities and life on board. In the coming days will be busy minesweeper Lerici along with other naval units Greece, Spain, Germany and Turkey in route survey operations on the routes of access ports of Gaeta and Formia. This activity consists in the localization and recognition of all the contacts on the seabed, for the benefit of safe navigation.

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continues unabated CIMIC activities of the Italian contingent in Kosovo. In recent days, was given a fence, the Albanian language primary school in the Glavice Serembe Zef, Peje municipality of Pec. The Dean thanked the Italian contingent for the donation that will help protect the roughly 260 students from the dangers arising from the adjacent road network. The donated materials are composed of 1600 m network, 550 poles and 350 kilograms of lead, worth € 5000. Moreover, in a brief ceremony was given a hydraulic pump to the Serb community of Belo Polje, Serb village on the outskirts of Pec Peje. The pump will be used to feed the water network in the upper part of the Village. The ceremony was attended by all representatives of the municipality. The village chief thanked the Italian contingent and its commander Brigadier General Nicolò Falsaperna, for the important work that takes place daily in the service of citizens, bringing prosperity and security to the various communities in the area. The hydraulic pump of the Italian brand has cost € 4000. Finally, it was concluded the primary school competition for schools called "Wisdom and health in the same place." To win the contest a school's Primary School Yll Morina located in the center of the city of Gjakova, the school is attended by approximately 1400 students from ethnic Albanians. Together with the certificate, given to the class representative, the Italian CIMIC has opened six lots of bathrooms where the cost of the restructuring was of 15,000 €. The ceremony was concluded on the Italian Contingent Commander Brigadier General Nicolò Falsaperna which together with the Director's cut the inaugural ribbon. Present all local authorities and many students with their families, other groups of students have performed with live folklore songs and dances that gave the ceremony a special warmth that has graced the event.
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
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at the Regional Command West in Herat, Afghanistan, Major Pilot Andrea Salvatore has given the command of Task Group Aves Phoenix Lieutenant Colonel Pilot Andrea Ascani. As has become tradition, because it is the third round, is was also carried out the handover of the flag of Friuli Aircraft Brigade in Afghanistan to witness the presence of the two squadrons of the brigade, the 5th of Casarsa Rigel Vega and the 7th of Rimini.

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