The job getting the student to a N. .. that great to share files! After a week of turmoil (or forced retirement?), Which is making public the work that has earned a good student to 10 for his willingness to lavorare.E 'an ordered collection of rainfall data This week she is filling up a spreadsheet online and allows sharing of files to a real-time updates from some of your professor. The table is was filled with the values \u200b\u200bin part drawn from predictive models of meteosat for the cities of Milan and Rome, Palermo and in part by a column of data expressing mm of rain collected from rain gauge craft (a graduated tube analysis) on the balcony of his house. We say that the pupil in question was not the only one to do this job, I received other emails with other tables, but it was the only one to do this work on the site that has a function to publish your work directly online.
Good week!