The oldest balance is our hand. An experienced hand can have a sensitivity to appreciate the variations of some milligrammo.L 'honesty, or rather the dishonesty of some hasty truck required, since Antiquity, that would set "weights and measures" so that no one could be the victim of deception and abuse. Homer and the Bible mentions the existence of the scale consists of a simple "yoke" with two arms which equality was the rule-base precision. But soon, they realized that the fundamental principle balance was the ratio "weight x length (p1l1 = P2L2), finding the base of the accuracy of the scale of Roman and receiver. Symbol of balance in the proceedings and moral honesty, the first performance scales back the eighth century BC. An Egyptian bas-relief is a tutor in the act of showing the students a balance. Greek amphora 600 BC as the pattern has a scale. Egyptian inscriptions of 500 BC are the scales. In the church of San Pietro di Spoleto, built in 1200, is among the bas-reliefs, symbolic scales. In the seventeenth century there are only two types of scales: the "equal arms, often fragile and weak capacity, and the" Roman "on arms different, more robust but not very precise. In 1670, Gilles Personne (or Personnier) de Roberval, a mathematician, specialist in mechanics and physics, a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences under the reign of Louis XV, having noted that in commercial transactions over the rapidity of the weight went to the expense of accuracy and honesty, he studied the balance that allows support for objects no longer in a place, but in a larger area. Roberval arrived to build a "yoke"-shaped rectangle, deformable under the "charge" according to a precise weight of the parallelogram able to keep the plates horizontal despite the rotation of the arrow. With this mechanism, the masses could be placed either on any of the two plates and this made the weigh much easier and more reliable for accuracy. Also during the seventeenth century, knew the scales a decisive improvement with the invention of the "knife", which considerably reduces the friction of the joints. The eighteenth century was that of spring scales that stretch in proportion to the "charge" hung, all home made, inaccurate and subject to fierce disputes and litigation in the markets. During the same century appeared the first pharmacy scales, smaller and more sensitive to small changes in "office". Rare documents of the Chinese empire in 1780 attributed the use of sling pocket weighing gold. At the same time in Europe is the balance tilted angles.
In France as in England, the nineteenth century was the golden age of letters weighing. From functional objects characterized by a certain restraint, a symbol of technical accuracy, during the second half of the nineteenth century take on decorative aspects and details that make them refined and elegant ornaments and table pocket. To give stability to those of writing, for the basics, using rare marble, wood or precious metals gold and rock crystal, such as brass, to the parties. For the most ornamental pocket makers give proof of real refinement and use of materials and in forms of creativity, use of fonts of numbers and letters. For those pocket, some manufacturer aware of his artistic talent, is to sign their masterpieces. Lowercase letters weighing pocket show instead, the owner's name, recipient of a gift refined and adapted to the professional activity. The names of the best known manufacturers of industrial scales are those of English and the Phillips Mathäus Hahn Joseph Beranger, who founded the first workshop production of scales in 1840 at Lyon.
With the rise of regional states and the crushing isolation, the development of road and rail networks, academic and cultural damage to start a new way to communicate that invests across Europe. Determine the postal charges for overseas, was the issue of taxes vary according to the weight of the letter. With the birth of the National Post which takes place 'in most European countries between 1840 and 1847, flourished everywhere small workshops and craftsmen capable of executing the technical details from letters weighing more interesting and decorative. At the same time, studies of notaries, lawyers, architects, doctors, men of letters and culture, the need for daily communication rendered "absolutely necessary" use and possession of personal letters weighing, table for the more sedentary and pocket for those who had a habit of travel or move frequently.
A balance must have three qualities: precision, ovverossia can go back exactly to the position of balance, fidelity, which consists in the independence of the position of "charge" and sensitivity, the ability of weak reaction to a change in weight. The accuracy, in terms of technology, the technical elements of the scale, improve and make more precise technical function or use.
" In 1847, it is the "balance Béranger", named after the inventor, consists of a "yoke" symmetric (in relation to a vertical plane) arm argue that the same dishes with four points of support giving the impression of a mechanism of "pendulum". The sensitivity, theoretical, "regulation" was to be 1/2000mo load, at least.
For small, the average height does not exceed 12 cm, the sling is made of a complex and well-articulated set of elements with names sometimes puzzling to the uninitiated. Some examples: Axis of knife, lever arm, yoke and controgiogo, Run, Flow, Power, Strength, concentration of charged bodies, bodies of the claim, reducing bodies, bodies of receipt of the charges, tare mass, organs fixed pointers. The combination of all these forces contribute to the determination of the "final report", that is, weight. The precise relationship between an element and another and between all elements of the mechanism of the beam determine the accuracy of weighing. BETWEEN EDUCATION AND MAGIC
To evaluate the role educational initiative and stimulate in the children of the life experiences that allow them to develop skills and participate with the game at different levels of daily life, Lillian and Sylvia Chard Post Office rebuilt a complete range of accessories in order to involve the children in their functioning. Shows the weight-letters, the children, excited, began to weigh and send correspondence. Experience a simple one, performed in the laboratory was able to show that fixing on a letter weighing a graduated cylinder of cardboard and if it fills the first graduation of dried beans you get some measure of mass. If you fill the second tick, the measured mass, contrary to expectations, it is twice the first step and if you continue with each new graduation it will be found a decrease in the contribution of the mass. And 'what is called "scale neutral. Between magic and spiritualism, in 1908, Gustave Lebon proposed two thousand francs to the medium that had produced before a committee of competent scholars of spiritual phenomena of levitation experience in full light. Among those who made history for their rigor, can be mentioned that performed in May 1907 by Professor Bottazzi, director of the Institute of Physiology of Naples, assisted by Professor Cardarelli, a senator and other scholars. Eusapia Paladino was the medium designated by the group of wise men. For proper execution of the phenomenon, at the end of the room on a table hidden behind a curtain, were places five items including a weighing letters. The wise men arranged themselves around the table, while the medium hands were tied behind his back. Italy del Popolo, 1892, the public 'an extract of seventeen seances held in Milan, attended and witnessed Eusapia, Schiaparelli, director of Milan, Aksakoff, adviser to the Russian state, Brofferio, Gerosa, professor of' University, Ermacora and G. Finzi, doctors in physics, Charles Richet, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, editor of a magazine and scientifca Lombroso, a professor at the Faculty of Medicine of Turin.
SYMBOL refinement and culture.
joined in the common life of the educated classes, with the attributes and meanings of eclecticism, modernity, elegance, weighing letters became part of the set of attributes that underlie those who, by necessity of trade, had familiarity with everyday reading and writing. With the first trip across the Alps and Great Britain ', are indeed the noble classes which make use of the preciousness and elegance of this small object of daily use. Rarely shares with gold, easily deformable, are lawyers, notaries and scholars who perform like a luxury pocket watch.
VALUES. The value of letters weighing pocket is inversely proportional to size. The more weight-tiny letters is more rare and therefore expensive. A letter weighing table, late nineteenth century, in simple tolla painted in brown, 1 / 100 scale, with his casket, at auction has reached the 210 Euro, while a model with the plate "to basket", 80 mm diameter, scale 1 / 70, to a height of 150 mm was made of 200 Euro. A model for Columbus, with the key elements in brass exceed 300-400 Euro. Rare Italian ones pocket and, in general, less artistic than the British and French who made the small masterpieces impregnated decorative art of their time. Rigid than the German, who recently left the decorum and to which materials and which design prevails pursuit of precision. The weighing letters from our own, late but nice imitation of those of our French cousins, with the natural thinning of the objects to "cabinet des curiosités, see the gradual rise in prices. American ones, sober, with the use of brass and Bakelite, date their appearance between the first and second world war.
A quick trip to the Museum of the balance of Campogalliano ModenaLa tour begins after you have gone a long corridor which is located on the wall with that iconic visual suggestions introduces us to the concepts of balance and weight in the Labyrinth phenomena where you can weigh yourself and see their own weight, as well as on Earth, even in the simulated gravity that would have on the Moon and Jupiter, you can interact with computers to know the balance in equal arms, the dynamometer and the balance inertial and may include the use of the equal arm balance using an analysis from the fifties with the method of tare and double pesata.La Gallery of trades and professions collects weighing instruments used in the mill and hardware, in part devoted to the mill you will see scales for weighing the cocoons and chrysalis to distinguish the sex of their internal scales for wool and to evaluate the moisture it contains scales and titles, you can also use to get to know the thickness of the yarn. The iron core exhibiting a donation from the Marchesi di Mirandola, which has its pivot in the bank and the balance of the store while nineteenth-century backdrop to the setting of a projection drawings of articles and tools sold in hardware stores of the early twentieth century. Some counting scales, including a fully electronic, are available to the public. On the first floor you will find a mobile / urn on which is placed a mysterious tool that you can discover the function of groped before entering the channel's history. Here the instruments are displayed chronologically from a double capacity scales Roman, medieval through the simple balance of wood and rope up to the contemporary load cells for electronic scales, along the way we see on display some curiosities, including a gauge to measure the sole of a shoe, a stick to the extent of the horses at the withers, a thermobalance for flour, a pesalettere shaped pen, a scale and a pendulum pesauova with flat folding for weighing live fish during fishing competitions. At the beginning of the channel is positioned to showcase innovation and industry, which houses the latest in weighing submitted by a firm of settore.La Campogalliano next section. City of balance in which recreates an external with a cobblestone that evokes a square: the Museum wants to project itself out and identify themselves with the territory of Campogalliano in which the marks are still visible - highlighted in a large model - a vocation for trade and industry that has found its object in the balance . Finally, the Gallery and of the cradles of the big stadium, dedicated in large instruments linked predominantly agricultural economy that has always marked our territory: large stadiums to weigh the "forms" of parmesan cheese, barrels or salt, bascule wood windows and two devoted to scales and Baby Scale.
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