Discover the new photo of the wedding DP Studio - Photographs copyright - of Turin.
We operate throughout Italy, we use professional digital photographic equipment and offer solutions for all your needs.
Our style is very "photo-journalism, reportage: we do not act on what happens, but immortalize the events of the day as well as one another. To promote this way of photograph, we follow during the preparation and dressing, if required during the ceremony and even during the reception. Our style captures the spontaneity of the faces, without plastic poses and forced smiles, naturally, to give a detailed account of everything that happens in your best day, with special images that capture the beauty and magic of the magic moments .
Our goal is to witness one of the most important events of your life, capturing every emotion with timeless natural images and photographs, with a distinctly photo-journalistic and reportage.
We have many years experience in portrait photography and reportage, una vasta conoscenza delle tecniche fotografiche e una profonda conoscenza delle tecniche digitali di elaborazione dell'immagine. Tutto questo ci permette di mantenere un elevatissimo livello di qualità nel quale tradizione e innovazione si fondono con armonia.
Ogni singola foto viene elaborata e ogni album viene composto artigianalmente in funzione delle immagini, delle preferenze degli sposi e della nostra creatività , in modo da avere un prodotto unico ed irripetibile.
I nostri album di nozze sono realizzati su misura e artigianalmente e sono delle vere e proprie raccolte di attimi intensi: ogni stampa, ogni fotografia racconterà le vostre emozioni a voi e ai vostri cari. Il vostro album lo immaginiamo come un'opera d'arte, years later maintains that none of its beauty and its value: indeed it is your memories and your love!
realize one photo a day to dedicate ourselves completely and entirely up to you, following them throughout the day: in a natural way, we achieve a detailed account of everything that happens in your best day, with special images that capture the beauty and the magic of your unforgettable moments!
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