Ordunque adust a robust and strangled the poor emasculated Rimba (but who do glielha fact that castration, but this is only my modest opinion) a major force raw and wild. I would say that has not been strangled by itself, but that it is murder. I
, Siskin Shows, and my pops Menenghello Tartufello Sventurello encamped, we are in possession of a document proof that the love relationship has developed between two innnamorati, the problem is who they are.
made some enormous assumptions and, after hearing what you like best:
1) your maid of honor Ascania wrote the letter for your brother Sigurd, with regard to the signature "ES" simple, or she was wrong to sign, or has use of random initial or a name of art, or would not be recognized (at the time did not forget the letters, but he has really forgotten, or lost it, or was not left there by chance?)
2 ) was written by Simon your waitress, I have diagnosed to be very fiery, perhaps intended for the butler, or your brother, or the gardener (I do not know if the qule can read, write-bad-and I have already indicated that it is capable);
3) the author is out of suspects, is that maybe some of your lover, or at least not decisive for our investigation, as regards other;
4) the author calls himself "E. D" but if we read not as "E" and as "S" but when combined the sounds coming out "THEY" or the letter they = S maybe the author wrote the letter as it is pronounced, maybe it has inadvertently written English and pronunciation; duinque or our individual is totally stupid or very clever, so much to take deliberately put off the road (think about it: who would know recognize the supermarket Slipknot without a mask? nobody, not even their mothers, and so we faced with this semi-anonymous author of this letter);
5) "'cause with the birds I'll share this lonely view" I would say that is significant, could help solve the case;
6) who scitto package should wash your hair;
7) a meeting in the same place: the encountering were lovers but who are they? Got the victim?
8) who had the courage to copulate with the cook Piera did because she was really in love or because he wanted to experience the thrill of going with a fat just for the heck of it (and have it)?
9) there is no case number nine;
10) (for make up the numbers), therefore, the author is Sigrifido that has a relationship with Sigmund, who since has a particular interest in things has had a troubled relationship with the cook, because she saw in her mother. Fault fault ... Simone, the waitress has had a relationship with the cook, who was bisexual, even the maid, only to have the secret of scarcella cake Puglia (much appreciated by Mario in "Letters from Capri", but you are inniorante and you can not understand);
11) the letters were written by his daughter fourteen of the cook who had a liking to the music teacher instead flew the mother, then her daughter, Peruvieni, killed his mother, simulated intercourse with her or maybe he spiato mentre la madre lo aveva con il suo probabile assassino, ma non è da esludere che Peruvieni abbia ucciso la madre, ecco io ne sono convinto.
Altre ipotesi la mia debole mente al momento non riesce a formularne.
Menenghello mi ha portato una scatola chiusa indirizzata a me, molto ben confezionata con della bella carta rossa e un bel fiocco, come sono curioso, vediamo cosa contiene..

E' un uccellino ucciso...
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