Circumstantial evidence N. 1
- piece of paper straw yellow color, size 5cm X 8cm
- Tear irregular
- Form rhombic
- Traces of blood on the edges
- No fingerprints
- traces greenish sides
- Scripture now unreadable. You only read these words:. SO.RE.L.LA.

Dear Carry Siskin,
the coach will be by you at times, waiting I would submit them to read the medical report of Dr. Gunter about the murder of the cook. Look
She obviously to start the interrogation, but it seemed right to entrust the precious help of our police chief Prussian sergeant Koimasckij, and my trusty right arm Mino Germino. If you are not in the way, I also would like to be present during questioning of suspects. Waiting for your news
PS I think you have mistaken me for someone else, my family name is Ferdinand
the coach will be by you at times, waiting I would submit them to read the medical report of Dr. Gunter about the murder of the cook. Look
She obviously to start the interrogation, but it seemed right to entrust the precious help of our police chief Prussian sergeant Koimasckij, and my trusty right arm Mino Germino. If you are not in the way, I also would like to be present during questioning of suspects. Waiting for your news
PS I think you have mistaken me for someone else, my family name is Ferdinand
medical report SGH2AOL on 07/06/2007 The name of the patient
: Piera Rallo
Nationality: Italian
Weight: 80 kg
Height: 1 meter and 62 centimeters
Time of death: 11:30 at 12:30 on 06/06/2007
Cause of death: perforation of the left lung by a blunt blade 15 cm long and suffocation due to obstruction of its blood.
The victim has a wound to his stomach consisting of four holes cut 15 cm long. Close of the holes you see four bruises, cuts or sawdust are not jagged. Inside the center hole sono stati rinvenuti dei fili giallastri e della polvere di ruggire.
Non sono presenti commozioni in altre parti del corpo ne segni di tentata resistenza da parte della vittima.

La lavanda gastrica ha rivelato la presenza nello stomaco di rosmarino in polvere, butilato di idrossitoluene, acidi carbosillici e carne di animale.
Ad un attenta analisi del sangue la donna presentava una carenza di glucosio, per tanto si deduce che la paziente soffrisse di ipoglicemia ma si deve escludere lo stato patologico dalla causa di morte.
L’analisi ginecologica ha rivelato tracce di sperma nella cavità vaginale ma non sono presenti traces of blood much less tearing. Sexual intercourse consumed by the victim can be considered consensual.
The slip of paper found in the left hand of the patient is still in the lab waiting for the calligraphic and chemical examinations.
Dr. Hans Günther
Ingolstadt, 07.06.2007
Hans Günter
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