At 11 pm the night's silence was broken by two buckets and decided TOC-TOC.
Outside the castle was surrounded by albino glow of the full moon, the gre-gre-of Gravel and by Zichichi Zichichi Ascanio.
Who goes there? "I said (it's Franz - Ed) and my voice reverberated to the caves of the castle. Beyond the walls a masculine voice accentuated emphasis bruised a centenary.
"I know who the murderess!" Said the old
"Who goes there? Identify yourself with grace, "I said to the shadow.
"Who goes there? Identify yourself with grace, "I said to the shadow.
"I am the magician Lello, let me in. Mr. Franz."
"The Wizard Lello?! Which comes from the countryside, I have never heard or known the name "
" I come from u futuru, and more specifically from the twenty-first century, travagghio broadcaster to call Tele-Naples Internetional, but I'll tell if I facisse accumudare filu little bit and sign
"The Wizard Lello?! Which comes from the countryside, I have never heard or known the name "
" I come from u futuru, and more specifically from the twenty-first century, travagghio broadcaster to call Tele-Naples Internetional, but I'll tell if I facisse accumudare filu little bit and sign
"The twenty-first century?! Ordunque humanity will not end the year one thousand as of Gembloux Sigebert tells us? So no earthquake? The Luciferian evil will not come from its prisons, putting an end to humanity, as was revealed by the Holy Scriptures? No anti-Christ? Not even the horsemen of the apocalypse, then? The world will continue to remain flat and the sun to turn it around? Nonsense that tells you, heretic, witch! Does she want to denounce himself being tortured by the Inquisition and the torture of the wheel? Get out, wretched man, do not admit similar mischief in my home! "
" agg not want to figh Sapé u-CCIS androcchia about the old? "
" But Barbara speaks what language? And 'the language of the devil! She is Satan, the burning at the stake! "
" But qualu Satan, Chisso was drunk u cerviello is napulitano showers, product, facimm'impress, lu Sapé flight or not those killed in struonza?
"I do not think I understood his request, but if I speak something hidden in the name of the Lord!"
"Eeeeii cu paroluonni before agg'a sees suordi, we will have the suordi? Cash dottoò? "
" Ah, intent on money, of course, I do not have financial problems, God gave me grace in "
" I felt the accussi cumpà, I like it very much, my honorary Allura is 200 euros per hour, can the trend? "
" 200 euros? I'm sorry to disappoint you but the only run in this county dollars "
" I Tallari? What the fuck 'u thallium daughters? Agg'conosce u but u Tarello Tarallucci eu ia first Vorta thallium is that I feel ... but what is its thallium learned? "
" With a dollar you can buy a goat "
Nu thallium to na ... mmm goat, then, we reason. At the time the goat was the whore of the peasants, the bitch Luana in via Carlo Pisacane asks 50 euros a pop, so a dollar is equivalent to 50 euros. So 200 euros are 4 ... vabbuò Dr. facimmo thallium thallium and 4 nun chhiù we talk about it.
"He can go take a seat Mr. Lello, but I warn you, if he tries to sing the songs of the Sabbath, to make other witchcraft immediately convoke Mino Germino brother and I can be accused of witchcraft.
"Dr. Vabbuò we finished shooting shit, I facissi trans"
Once you enter the name of this magician Lello sat on the sofa reading room. He had a very unusual way of sitting for a Christian, almost uncivilized.
"Dotti, yet did not ask me why I came from the future just to meet you"
'It is true, how come such a disorder, what brings you to this humble and remote castle and how did you travel along the time line "
" Eeheheheh, you should know my dear friend with deaf people who know of this in Naples Gabriel called, well, that Gabriel is a powerful man fuck nu cu much, struonzo a first-class. So I go to him and say, "Look dear Gabriel agg'i dan'dà in the past, it can be FFA?"
" agg not want to figh Sapé u-CCIS androcchia about the old? "
" But Barbara speaks what language? And 'the language of the devil! She is Satan, the burning at the stake! "
" But qualu Satan, Chisso was drunk u cerviello is napulitano showers, product, facimm'impress, lu Sapé flight or not those killed in struonza?
"I do not think I understood his request, but if I speak something hidden in the name of the Lord!"
"Eeeeii cu paroluonni before agg'a sees suordi, we will have the suordi? Cash dottoò? "
" Ah, intent on money, of course, I do not have financial problems, God gave me grace in "
" I felt the accussi cumpà, I like it very much, my honorary Allura is 200 euros per hour, can the trend? "
" 200 euros? I'm sorry to disappoint you but the only run in this county dollars "
" I Tallari? What the fuck 'u thallium daughters? Agg'conosce u but u Tarello Tarallucci eu ia first Vorta thallium is that I feel ... but what is its thallium learned? "
" With a dollar you can buy a goat "
Nu thallium to na ... mmm goat, then, we reason. At the time the goat was the whore of the peasants, the bitch Luana in via Carlo Pisacane asks 50 euros a pop, so a dollar is equivalent to 50 euros. So 200 euros are 4 ... vabbuò Dr. facimmo thallium thallium and 4 nun chhiù we talk about it.
"He can go take a seat Mr. Lello, but I warn you, if he tries to sing the songs of the Sabbath, to make other witchcraft immediately convoke Mino Germino brother and I can be accused of witchcraft.
"Dr. Vabbuò we finished shooting shit, I facissi trans"
Once you enter the name of this magician Lello sat on the sofa reading room. He had a very unusual way of sitting for a Christian, almost uncivilized.
"Dotti, yet did not ask me why I came from the future just to meet you"
'It is true, how come such a disorder, what brings you to this humble and remote castle and how did you travel along the time line "
" Eeheheheh, you should know my dear friend with deaf people who know of this in Naples Gabriel called, well, that Gabriel is a powerful man fuck nu cu much, struonzo a first-class. So I go to him and say, "Look dear Gabriel agg'i dan'dà in the past, it can be FFA?"

cuss And here I am with her. But still I have not said why they are here. See Dr. dear, I have not said everything. My name is Cate, friends Lello, but last I Rallo, u stationmasters OM?
"Lello Rallo?! I want to say that she ... she ... is the son of Pierre? "
" Eeeiii, u figghiu, ciaiu and how old? I am the son of son of son ... well, Piera Rallo was my relative. "
" Corbezzoli! And then you talk, if he knows something has to speak! "
"Dr, I modestly that Sacco is not much, I really do not sacciu almost nothing, I needed the 200 euros for the exhaust of the motor that since yesterday I fell from the asphalt now I can not do cchiù snatching, however, only to not take the struonzo I am, I can tell you that the murderess is not the same person with my futteva bisbisbisnonna, the murderess, as I said my great-aunt of the Assumption, he killed the woman for what she was doing. Nothing more sacciu. Now give me the deaf that I must return home to do the snatching. "
" Thank you Mr. Wizard Lello Rallo, I will pray for his business success to me is to visit one of these days, its presence is pleased. "
Mmm, and so the plot thickens. Let's recap. Rimba had an affair with the cook but she left him and so he was castrated. The same Rimba knew the name of the lover of old, but just tried to say he was killed. We can not say with certainty that the murderess of Rimba is the same as the cook, or was only his lover who wanted to keep secret in the history of love.
know that my brother Sigismund wanted to kill the cook, but was persuaded not to do so by the panorama offered by the horror of fornication woman. The latest surveys Carry Lucherino know that the butler Sigfredo worked as a stripper, although the reasons for this are still in the dark. Finally, we know that the courtesan Ascania was the daughter of the cook and who suffered sexual harassment during puberty, was also madly in love with Ascania Rimba, the lover and for initial despair Piera castrates also putting an end to the joys of carnal daughter, so that it, Ascanio, a matricide planned but not accomplished since the woman already killed before. And already, but by whom?
"Lello Rallo?! I want to say that she ... she ... is the son of Pierre? "
" Eeeiii, u figghiu, ciaiu and how old? I am the son of son of son ... well, Piera Rallo was my relative. "
" Corbezzoli! And then you talk, if he knows something has to speak! "
"Dr, I modestly that Sacco is not much, I really do not sacciu almost nothing, I needed the 200 euros for the exhaust of the motor that since yesterday I fell from the asphalt now I can not do cchiù snatching, however, only to not take the struonzo I am, I can tell you that the murderess is not the same person with my futteva bisbisbisnonna, the murderess, as I said my great-aunt of the Assumption, he killed the woman for what she was doing. Nothing more sacciu. Now give me the deaf that I must return home to do the snatching. "
" Thank you Mr. Wizard Lello Rallo, I will pray for his business success to me is to visit one of these days, its presence is pleased. "
Mmm, and so the plot thickens. Let's recap. Rimba had an affair with the cook but she left him and so he was castrated. The same Rimba knew the name of the lover of old, but just tried to say he was killed. We can not say with certainty that the murderess of Rimba is the same as the cook, or was only his lover who wanted to keep secret in the history of love.
know that my brother Sigismund wanted to kill the cook, but was persuaded not to do so by the panorama offered by the horror of fornication woman. The latest surveys Carry Lucherino know that the butler Sigfredo worked as a stripper, although the reasons for this are still in the dark. Finally, we know that the courtesan Ascania was the daughter of the cook and who suffered sexual harassment during puberty, was also madly in love with Ascania Rimba, the lover and for initial despair Piera castrates also putting an end to the joys of carnal daughter, so that it, Ascanio, a matricide planned but not accomplished since the woman already killed before. And already, but by whom?
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