Wiridiana Dearest,
you already know how horrible and regrettable incidents have happened in my castle. The obliging chef Pierre was assassinated days earlier and his murderess there are still traces. Now I can not sleep at night, I always have the fear of being killed, because the murderess is still hiding in the friendly face of one of my employees, I suspect worn, trusting only in his good work by the investigator consigliatomi brother Camillo.
This morning there was the first interrogation, Detective Carry Siskin said he had already thought of something but not you want to tip the balance, first, he says, we need concrete evidence, I'm just becoming acquainted with the facts before had hidden, dark intrigue, foul perversions, ties unresolved. But I want to share with you the interview today, exposing the fact to fact.
At 8 am a sweet melody coming out of the music room of the castle, echoing in every corner of the building, as if the music of the spheres as spoken by Pythagoras was finally heard. The master of music Rimba was practicing the harp, his favorite instrument. It seemed almost a violence to get shot, so we decided to wait until the end of that sweet sound. The music room the room was vast, largely as a polo field, with musical instruments of various countries and various periods of history, surrounded here and there on either side of the room. Rimba sat.

"Please Koimasckij, the witness is his own," said Siskin Carried away with doing

" ... Andrei Koimasckij? In name and in fact? "Said Siskin
" More than that named "
In this sentence the investigator Carry moved away from the head of the Prussian police
"Allove maestvo Vimbò ..."

"Rimba, Rimba pronounce" interrupted the maestro
"Vimbò, that's what I said"
"RRimbò not Vimbò"
"VVimbò! happens to be deaf like Beethoven? "
" never mind "said dejected Master
"Allove, signov mestvo, Where is she from where to where 24:30 13:30?
"I was here, I was composing a sonata for strings and flutes for the upcoming birthdays of Monsieur Franz"
"Tell me, anyone can confevmave his vevsione?"
"No, as everyone knows, my music visit me only when they are in perfect solitude "
" So we do not have witnesses ... mmm, and tell me that he had ties with the victim? "
" No, it was only the cook of the castle, that's all "
" So there Pavla? "
" Seldom "
" Mmm, and why we tvovato cameva this in his letters in which YOU ( the tone of voice began to rise Koimasckij ) DICE, Pavol TEXT: "VOVVEI THIS MOMENT would not end and continue to CIBAVMI WITH ITS FLAT AND I WITH MY MUSIC, I LOVE MY QUARRY PIEVE A "?!
"No, not as it seems!"
At these words, my body froze, I had no idea that Rimba loved the cook. In my castle things were happening that were beyond my understanding, I realized I was alone. My gaze went to Carry Siskin, stood motionless, absent, almost patient to start with his interrogation. That man scared me.
"I loved her!"
" CEVTO who loved her so much that he had a VAPPOVTO PVIMA OF SEXUAL UCCIDEVLA, is not it ?"
" LIES! "
" lie says, he wants sapeve as I think things went? At 0:30 in the kitchen and you entva fovnica with the victim. After the cook the sexual vappovto infomva that vostva ovmai her investiture is completed. She has a fit of VAT and so with the 2 fork stabs. But the movt is vepentina scvive so the woman on a piece of Cavtata scores, pvesole from his pocket mentve was consuming vappovto sexual Vimbò namely the name of the murderer, but she accovge and so the paper stvappa tva victim's hands and out of the kitchen covsa "
" No, not true "
" It is not Vevo? I tell my cable mastvo music, why she uses the tuning fork's BCE accovdave stvumenti are pointed? E 'tuning fork with an unusually pointed tips "
" This is special tuning fork, the tip is required to improve the quality of the instrument dell'intonatura "
" Mmm, "said Koimasckij headed for the shelf of the hall. With shutter opened the top drawer and noticed the second pitch sharp. I look at them from below and from then, finally, noticing something he said with sparkling eyes: "Mmm, why TVOVANO IS ON THESE BOVDI DIAPASON bloodstains ?" Shouted Koimasckij.
'E' that my blood! I point this morning, is not the victim "
" You think so? Mmm, and tell me, what are colove sheets spavtito BCE schiveve she uses the music? BCE is not the case pagliavini yellow leaves, like those adopted at the hands of the victim? "
" I do not know anything! I swear! "
" Not Giuva nothing. And in the package are not Pavol tvotate BCE initial case of musical notes? The King and Sol? As you explain that? "
" I do not know what to say, I do not know anything. I repeat, at that time he was composing music
"Allove negave wants everything? Denies that he loved the cook? "
" No! I really loved her "
" and denies that he had consensual sex with the victim vappovto pvima of movt? "
" Yes, I have not had a relationship with Pierre, I could not ... "
" And why could not? "
"I ... I am helpless "
A roar rose in the room.
'It is true, I loved Piera, and it is also true that she did not want to see me but I have not killed I, another, another relationship that has consumed that day. This is ... "But that phrase
rose the dark and after a few moments he heard the broken voice of Rimba.
"Pvesto, a candle, go light," cried Koimasckij, but it was too late, when everything was lit Rimba was lifeless, killed him dead, he too. The culprit has claimed another victim.
The mystery still remains shrouded in doubt. We wait for the medical report for that other victim
"Vipovto Luchevino - said Andrei Koimasckiy - what she could from Pavol deduvve of Vimbò?"
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