Confused, bewildered, angry, those confessions, retired to their rooms, it settled on a dark brocade sofa and closed his eyes. wanted those ugliness he had heard they had never been heard from him, he wanted to turn back time to when he went to visit at the home of Count Camillo Schiauzzone Archinto Romildo his esteemed friend welcomed him to show these treasures of their house, how he met the sister of a man loving and divine feelings and how to bounce her, the sweetest name Viridiana Arletta Schiauzzone Archinto was destined to forever preserve their virtue.
Never felt feelings against scantily clad and rough, but never dared to look at it with concupiscienza, but only as a celestial Vestal. and surrendered to the sweetness and cleanliness of his feelings, his thoughts, enveloped by the big arms of Morpheus divo ...
narrative stasis
"Viridiana Viridiana my love ... noo! Do not do it, the Earle stop! Nah, nobody touches the essence celestial maiden Madonna! Viridianaaaaa "....
"Aaaah, a dream, but I say, a terrible nightmare, wretched, wretched me, as I have only been able to clean the mess that creature's ontological metaphysics? Good god can forgive me .. Viridiana where are you? I so want to hold you in my strong arms "
at the thought knocked on the door. "This could my master?"
"Earl, you still! But because ordunque continues to haunt me, and even in the early morning, dirty slob go away! "
" But to me, sir, Mino Germini want to say nasty things about killing a woman and killed her flab that one day the past "
" Mmm, Show him "
Enter the room Mino Germino.

"Ben Franz woke up, made some nice dreams?"
"My dear Mino of the most terrible, the worst nightmares, things worthy of the mind of Lucifer"
"It disturb even the Prince of Darkness? What nonsense you are saying, mind you, I sound a man of faith, Brother Dominican trained at the prestigious University of Paris, and with how to master the sublime Aristotelian Albert the Great. "
" You know well my dear Mino, I never questioned his faith or his highest academic preparation, it's just that she does not knows how it feels to see your beloved woman defiled by filthy seed of a dirty lecherous as Earle farmer ... If I think back to that image I dream bile salt, but tell me my dear Mino, what brings you early in the morning to talk a righteous man like me? "
Mino Germino took two steps, took a break and then sat on a chair in the middle east fabric of the room, finally, after a broad-directed lo sguardo a Franz, e solo molto dopo, dopo aver a lungo pensato alle giuste parole da dire, rispose: “Vede stimato Franz, in tutta questa storia c’è qualcosa che non mi convince, innanzitutto quel tale, quel Riporto Lucherino, che cosa sappiamo di lui esattamente? Come può essere a conoscenza si simili intrighi senza la disposizione effettuale di prove concrete? Sa, io sono aristotelico e come un aristotelico che si rispetti prima di dare la conclusione devo dare le premesse, eppure questo tale, questo Lucherino di chissà dove e chicchessia, sembra avere una conoscenza divina, un amor dei intellectuali, insomma, io credo che in lui si celi un mistero, un ombra satanica”
“Misero me, ma cosa mi sta saying, estimated Germino, wants to tell me that maybe does not trust the work of Siskin? That perhaps Satan himself sent his vicar, a Beelzebub to topple this house in the burning flames of hell?! Ordunque, now we can not even trust our employees? I'm saying is maybe to stick to a maximum of Juvenal: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Ordunque, do not vex me, what could I do now? As suggested to act as estimated Mino? "
Mino Germination:" With your permission I would like to question the investigator Siskin, I'm sure that with my talents Aristotelian munificent enough to be appreciated by the immense Albert the Great, my teacher, may able to make the mistake that this, this chissacchì Carry whatever they call it, God is my witness, I can expose him! "
" So it is, granted permission "
At these words the great Aristotelian of the castle and left the room eagerly came involuntarily from his mouth with laughter unheard of gaiety, as if that new job he cleaned up the mood of the old. "
End first act.
Lucherino stood motionless, crouched on his knees in the mouth. To see him back one might have thought he was evil, but in reality the young detective was in the middle of spring the first fruits of the first age, a man so fit he could not bend down to pain. At every step of the bird huddled drew a whistle and pleased to kept saying: "Oh Come, take off if the if the take off, do it for dad Carryover eheheheh"

From the keyhole was watching the Ascania beautiful undress, and was in the culmination of that vision. "Come on Come on, take off your genitals, come on then, do it for dad Siskin, eheheh" she kept saying in a low voice. When
Mino Germino saw him he remembered childhood spent on the books of Aristotle, when the time is already questioning how many angels could stand on tip of a needle, if Adam and Eve sinned more than if the emasculation and castration were the same thing. We remembered him from the weight of those subtleties, and that time when he peered through the keyhole of the cell adjoining the lay woman in the act of Licia comment one step of the Sentences of Peter Lombard and now, like a flash, he remembered face of the woman depicted in the painting in the room of Franz: it was she! But how could this woman was painted? And that was just in the painting room of Franz? A thousand thoughts in my head turned to the good Aristotelian Mino Germino but knew that this was not the right time for such speculation, and the other answers will be found but not now, not now, now it was time to call Siskin and expose him, this was the goal of Mino.
"the pudenda, the pudenda! Ooooooh, that the first fruits, that soft opening, "he sighed Lucherino
Mino" eeem ams, Mr. Carry, I can ask some questions? "
Lucherino turned quickly, however, not realizing the rigid state of his trousers," I say too expensive colleague, come on Come on, do not be shy "
" She was able to tie Ascania, Piera and Sigismund but did not say how or when they became aware of these facts, the facts must be supported by evidence, you did not tests so you did not report a fact worthy of the name. And I'll tell you more. She is Siskin, the siskins are birds, then you are a bird. All the birds fly, she's a bird, then she flies. Who flies or is it a bird or a witch, she's a bird, so it's not a witch. All cats eat birds, you are a bird, so you will be eaten by a cat. All cats are meow, but she's a bird, not a cat, so she does not meow. Who makes meow or a cat or a mentegatto, you're not a cat, so if mine is a mentegatto ago. All mentegatti mentetopi eat, you are a mentegatto then eats mentetopi. Who eats mentetopi or a spy or not the son of Mary, but his mother's name is Maria Consuelo in Carry Imposimato, so it's a spy. Ordunque, confessed she's a spy, right? "
Siskin" first fruits of this rhetoric that! So this is your method of investigation famous syllogistic famous all over the countryside, are charmed. But I must say one thing, I'm not like her Aristotle, Plato is, knowledge for me is not the conclusion supported by premises but Noesi, divine intuition "
Mino Germino:" What nonsense! What blasphemy! Not ashamed to speak in front of God when a man of faith like me? I ask satisfaction "
Siskin:" A man of faith say? And then I explain why Alberto Magno , My uncle, chased UNIVERSITY 'Why did SURPRISED to commit fornication with a woman who was commenting on the Sentences of Peter Lombardo in his room?
oooooooo .... The yellow thickens.
End of scene
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