Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Electric Box Level 26 Review

Point 15: Extensive knowledge of Siskin and Mino-eyed

It was a rainy day and muda and Carry Siskin was accommodated in a comfortable chair with green velvet in the large hall of Count Franz Rottermaier when it's a threatening shadow appeared before him and attentive: he was the brother Germino.
between there was a moment of sombre poignancy. Germino decided to do so he turned to Carry:

Ge: "Mrs. Carry, ordunque, you there has never shown its references, where it comes from, where he studied and especially how he managed to learn some domestic intrigue and personal?"
Ri them know why you pry my business affairs of others.
Ge: allow, however, that we know nothing of you ..
Re: I know.
Ge: we would like to know more about her ..
Re: there is not much to know.
Ge: what little we just ..
Re: Chess .. Antwerp after I graduated with honors in theology, I have achieved as a result of other degrees and specificatamante in: criminal psychology, science giuriche, incompatibility maritime and linear thermodynamics applies to radiators, vaporologia Aque the desert of the beans Habsburg pomposity of healing, in cleptoniti eurialo of Nisus, a Scientologist thinking of love cows, late accoppiamanto of white rhinos, the flavors gustologia Of this sweet and the distinction from pretzels, potato chips and crispy sneck, specification of Melanoceti on maritime studies, a seal of competence in science and ufology flowers, museology means applied to locomotives, edipattica comparative isotopy of the language of the holders of biodegradable latttosio of wheat and maize, collagen body limbs, spin doctors and the broader doctrine teledildonics on Diddle on Big Babol, on the barbie and Dino Formaggio.
Medal of Valor for saving a family of earthworms Tochines infested by termites, for having saved the last of extinction dala Trinciatopo mega herzz Dviza Vertov on the planet, the discovery of the only extant and fossil remains; on rheumatism, conjunctivitis , Nefertiti, dolomites, sorry, already heard, the Hittites, fried and tasks. up down, right above the left side, black jacket existentialist, Garibaldi's red shirt, jeans and washed sinistra.insomma the classic dark and handsome that women like ...
I could dwell for entire pages bma for completion and application of dryness I just only to be told in few words.
Ge. she is really a genius in the field, I kneel in front of such great mastery of language and such cagnoscenza the world.
Re: I did not even modestly told the rest .... but I could give you great stories.
Ge: now I'm really sure that you are a person dammodo and courteous manners and beautiful, and I want to confide in stealth intelligentsia with you.
Re: but please speak esteemed colleague ..
Ge: It sagacious friend I feel strong doubts and misgivings about the conduct of Miss Ascania:
Re: do not worry about her, I guarantee ...
Ge, but you know it?
Re: from about fifteen years ..
Ge: and how come you have not that before?
Re: my business, now I would like to have a cup of tea, you follow me I will tell you everything
Ge: excellent idea, something warm, with this rain is really gratifying.
Re: after you appeared ..
and the two retreated to the east for upcoming classroom snack

Roof Rack-mounted Off-road Lights

Point 14: How Mino Germino proves his skill in the art investigation Aristotelian syllogistic

Confused, bewildered, angry, those confessions, retired to their rooms, it settled on a dark brocade sofa and closed his eyes. wanted those ugliness he had heard they had never been heard from him, he wanted to turn back time to when he went to visit at the home of Count Camillo Schiauzzone Archinto Romildo his esteemed friend welcomed him to show these treasures of their house, how he met the sister of a man loving and divine feelings and how to bounce her, the sweetest name Viridiana Arletta Schiauzzone Archinto was destined to forever preserve their virtue.
Never felt feelings against scantily clad and rough, but never dared to look at it with concupiscienza, but only as a celestial Vestal. and surrendered to the sweetness and cleanliness of his feelings, his thoughts, enveloped by the big arms of Morpheus divo ...

narrative stasis

"Viridiana Viridiana my love ... noo! Do not do it, the Earle stop! Nah, nobody touches the essence celestial maiden Madonna! Viridianaaaaa "....
"Aaaah, a dream, but I say, a terrible nightmare, wretched, wretched me, as I have only been able to clean the mess that creature's ontological metaphysics? Good god can forgive me .. Viridiana where are you? I so want to hold you in my strong arms "
at the thought knocked on the door. "This could my master?"
"Earl, you still! But because ordunque continues to haunt me, and even in the early morning, dirty slob go away! "
" But to me, sir, Mino Germini want to say nasty things about killing a woman and killed her flab that one day the past "
" Mmm, Show him "
Enter the room Mino Germino.

With his eyes casually inspect the bedroom of Franz, focusing especially on a strange painting hanging behind the canopy. What most struck Mino was the fact that the woman depicted in the painting had something of a family in the past as if he and the woman had shared common instances.
"Ben Franz woke up, made some nice dreams?"
"My dear Mino of the most terrible, the worst nightmares, things worthy of the mind of Lucifer"
"It disturb even the Prince of Darkness? What nonsense you are saying, mind you, I sound a man of faith, Brother Dominican trained at the prestigious University of Paris, and with how to master the sublime Aristotelian Albert the Great. "
" You know well my dear Mino, I never questioned his faith or his highest academic preparation, it's just that she does not knows how it feels to see your beloved woman defiled by filthy seed of a dirty lecherous as Earle farmer ... If I think back to that image I dream bile salt, but tell me my dear Mino, what brings you early in the morning to talk a righteous man like me? "
Mino Germino took two steps, took a break and then sat on a chair in the middle east fabric of the room, finally, after a broad-directed lo sguardo a Franz, e solo molto dopo, dopo aver a lungo pensato alle giuste parole da dire, rispose: “Vede stimato Franz, in tutta questa storia c’è qualcosa che non mi convince, innanzitutto quel tale, quel Riporto Lucherino, che cosa sappiamo di lui esattamente? Come può essere a conoscenza si simili intrighi senza la disposizione effettuale di prove concrete? Sa, io sono aristotelico e come un aristotelico che si rispetti prima di dare la conclusione devo dare le premesse, eppure questo tale, questo Lucherino di chissà dove e chicchessia, sembra avere una conoscenza divina, un amor dei intellectuali, insomma, io credo che in lui si celi un mistero, un ombra satanica”
“Misero me, ma cosa mi sta saying, estimated Germino, wants to tell me that maybe does not trust the work of Siskin? That perhaps Satan himself sent his vicar, a Beelzebub to topple this house in the burning flames of hell?! Ordunque, now we can not even trust our employees? I'm saying is maybe to stick to a maximum of Juvenal: Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? Ordunque, do not vex me, what could I do now? As suggested to act as estimated Mino? "
Mino Germination:" With your permission I would like to question the investigator Siskin, I'm sure that with my talents Aristotelian munificent enough to be appreciated by the immense Albert the Great, my teacher, may able to make the mistake that this, this chissacchì Carry whatever they call it, God is my witness, I can expose him! "
" So it is, granted permission "
At these words the great Aristotelian of the castle and left the room eagerly came involuntarily from his mouth with laughter unheard of gaiety, as if that new job he cleaned up the mood of the old. "

End first act.

Lucherino stood motionless, crouched on his knees in the mouth. To see him back one might have thought he was evil, but in reality the young detective was in the middle of spring the first fruits of the first age, a man so fit he could not bend down to pain. At every step of the bird huddled drew a whistle and pleased to kept saying: "Oh Come, take off if the if the take off, do it for dad Carryover eheheheh"

From the keyhole was watching the Ascania beautiful undress, and was in the culmination of that vision. "Come on Come on, take off your genitals, come on then, do it for dad Siskin, eheheh" she kept saying in a low voice. When
Mino Germino saw him he remembered childhood spent on the books of Aristotle, when the time is already questioning how many angels could stand on tip of a needle, if Adam and Eve sinned more than if the emasculation and castration were the same thing. We remembered him from the weight of those subtleties, and that time when he peered through the keyhole of the cell adjoining the lay woman in the act of Licia comment one step of the Sentences of Peter Lombard and now, like a flash, he remembered face of the woman depicted in the painting in the room of Franz: it was she! But how could this woman was painted? And that was just in the painting room of Franz? A thousand thoughts in my head turned to the good Aristotelian Mino Germino but knew that this was not the right time for such speculation, and the other answers will be found but not now, not now, now it was time to call Siskin and expose him, this was the goal of Mino.
"the pudenda, the pudenda! Ooooooh, that the first fruits, that soft opening, "he sighed Lucherino
Mino" eeem ams, Mr. Carry, I can ask some questions? "
Lucherino turned quickly, however, not realizing the rigid state of his trousers," I say too expensive colleague, come on Come on, do not be shy "
" She was able to tie Ascania, Piera and Sigismund but did not say how or when they became aware of these facts, the facts must be supported by evidence, you did not tests so you did not report a fact worthy of the name. And I'll tell you more. She is Siskin, the siskins are birds, then you are a bird. All the birds fly, she's a bird, then she flies. Who flies or is it a bird or a witch, she's a bird, so it's not a witch. All cats eat birds, you are a bird, so you will be eaten by a cat. All cats are meow, but she's a bird, not a cat, so she does not meow. Who makes meow or a cat or a mentegatto, you're not a cat, so if mine is a mentegatto ago. All mentegatti mentetopi eat, you are a mentegatto then eats mentetopi. Who eats mentetopi or a spy or not the son of Mary, but his mother's name is Maria Consuelo in Carry Imposimato, so it's a spy. Ordunque, confessed she's a spy, right? "
Siskin" first fruits of this rhetoric that! So this is your method of investigation famous syllogistic famous all over the countryside, are charmed. But I must say one thing, I'm not like her Aristotle, Plato is, knowledge for me is not the conclusion supported by premises but Noesi, divine intuition "
Mino Germino:" What nonsense! What blasphemy! Not ashamed to speak in front of God when a man of faith like me? I ask satisfaction "
Siskin:" A man of faith say? And then I explain why Alberto Magno , My uncle, chased UNIVERSITY 'Why did SURPRISED to commit fornication with a woman who was commenting on the Sentences of Peter Lombardo in his room?
oooooooo .... The yellow thickens.

End of scene

Viral Rash On 10 Month Old

Point 13: Sweet Dreams Franz

Carry Siskin, private detective from the vast ingenuity, he found, without specifying how, that the butler Sigfredo avuo has a past as a stripper in a club for men only and that Ascania, the ether of the castle, is none other than the daughter of the late chef Pierre, head of abuse on children and to have deprived the man loved by the same child, the musician Rimba, of its own member. A schoccante revelation adds another chilling discovery: Ascania and Sigismund, bedfellows, they share the same mother or the cook Piera. These new Carry specifies neither explains how he did know such horrible news, he says nothing, is limited only to report the facts to light. Unintentionally (but are we sure?) Announced his questioning to Mr. Franz, who unaware of everything ....

Franz: "O gods, I read? I read that? 0 heavens ... I can not ... I ... we lost our house ... .. that ugly stain. .. no .. no .. no ... what a shame ... but how is it possible? and I? I need something strong ... EARLIEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Ear: "ahhh, uh uh uh uh .. what command you?". Among
: "Correct me a red bull with vodka and strawberry."
ear: "I have put aliiiiiii .

(alone) can not believe it, I miss my lineage, as I have never been able to share in my home, without ever realizing it, too many thoughts agitated my mind ..
ear: " eccume, vojo to command me that there are other essentials?".
between " so dear friend, tell me you knew, deep in your innocence, which Sigfredo was a lover of the total stripping of the clothes in the presence of gentlemen? ".
ear:" uh uh uh everyone knew him, Camillo lord was put in the money I also went before hired butler, and after Mr. Camillo services always. "
between" you say that?? Camillo my dear friend? Sigfredo to watch the shows? and did you go there too? windbag full belly and empty head .. ".
ear:" Rocco randomly called Sigfredo but not really able to ask .. Viridiana .
between " zozzone peasant beggars that you are nothing, how dare you speak so slowly my muse? You should wash only to pronounce his name .. ".
ear:" with it there was no need of the bathroom uahhhhuahhhuahhuahhuahhuahhuahhuahh (also). "
between:" This sentence pronunciasti well, eh? (Solo): and think nothing of me, and this lout .. well .. maybe the butler Ascanio. . ".
ear:" true true true, true true, my co co Sigfredo, co Ascagnano, co Sigismodo, your brother and co .. would not you?? uahhhhhuahhhhuahuuuahuaahhhuahaha . "
between" now I've just tired, sparisciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. "
And that narrow walked away.
Confused, bewildered, angry, those confessions, retired to their rooms, it settled on a dark brocade sofa and closed his eyes. wanted those ugliness he had heard they had never been heard from him, he wanted to turn back time to when he went to visit at the home of Count Camillo Schiauzzone Archinto Romildo his esteemed friend who welcomed him to show these treasures of their house; how he met the sister of a man loving and divine feelings and how to bounce her, the sweetest name Viridiana Arletta Schiauzzone Archinto was destined to forever preserve their virtue .
Never felt feelings against scantily clad and rough, but never dared to look at concupiscienza with, but only as a celestial Vestal. and surrendered to the sweetness and cleanliness of his feelings, his thoughts, enveloped by the big arms of Morpheus divo ...

narrative stasis
June 11 duemilaESETTE

Is A Wake Dressy Or Casual

Point 12: from the future comes the magician Lello

At 11 pm the night's silence was broken by two buckets and decided TOC-TOC.
Outside the castle was surrounded by albino glow of the full moon, the gre-gre-of Gravel and by Zichichi Zichichi Ascanio.
Who goes there? "I said (it's Franz - Ed) and my voice reverberated to the caves of the castle. Beyond the walls a masculine voice accentuated emphasis bruised a centenary.
"I know who the murderess!" Said the old
"Who goes there? Identify yourself with grace, "I said to the shadow.

"I am the magician Lello, let me in. Mr. Franz."
"The Wizard Lello?! Which comes from the countryside, I have never heard or known the name "
" I come from u futuru, and more specifically from the twenty-first century, travagghio broadcaster to call Tele-Naples Internetional, but I'll tell if I facisse accumudare filu little bit and sign

"The twenty-first century?! Ordunque humanity will not end the year one thousand as of Gembloux Sigebert tells us? So no earthquake? The Luciferian evil will not come from its prisons, putting an end to humanity, as was revealed by the Holy Scriptures? No anti-Christ? Not even the horsemen of the apocalypse, then? The world will continue to remain flat and the sun to turn it around? Nonsense that tells you, heretic, witch! Does she want to denounce himself being tortured by the Inquisition and the torture of the wheel? Get out, wretched man, do not admit similar mischief in my home! "
" agg not want to figh Sapé u-CCIS androcchia about the old? "
" But Barbara speaks what language? And 'the language of the devil! She is Satan, the burning at the stake! "
" But qualu Satan, Chisso was drunk u cerviello is napulitano showers, product, facimm'impress, lu Sapé flight or not those killed in struonza?
"I do not think I understood his request, but if I speak something hidden in the name of the Lord!"
"Eeeeii cu paroluonni before agg'a sees suordi, we will have the suordi? Cash dottoò? "
" Ah, intent on money, of course, I do not have financial problems, God gave me grace in "
" I felt the accussi cumpà, I like it very much, my honorary Allura is 200 euros per hour, can the trend? "
" 200 euros? I'm sorry to disappoint you but the only run in this county dollars "
" I Tallari? What the fuck 'u thallium daughters? Agg'conosce u but u Tarello Tarallucci eu ia first Vorta thallium is that I feel ... but what is its thallium learned? "
" With a dollar you can buy a goat "
Nu thallium to na ... mmm goat, then, we reason. At the time the goat was the whore of the peasants, the bitch Luana in via Carlo Pisacane asks 50 euros a pop, so a dollar is equivalent to 50 euros. So 200 euros are 4 ... vabbuò Dr. facimmo thallium thallium and 4 nun chhiù we talk about it.
"He can go take a seat Mr. Lello, but I warn you, if he tries to sing the songs of the Sabbath, to make other witchcraft immediately convoke Mino Germino brother and I can be accused of witchcraft.
"Dr. Vabbuò we finished shooting shit, I facissi trans"
Once you enter the name of this magician Lello sat on the sofa reading room. He had a very unusual way of sitting for a Christian, almost uncivilized.
"Dotti, yet did not ask me why I came from the future just to meet you"
'It is true, how come such a disorder, what brings you to this humble and remote castle and how did you travel along the time line "
" Eeheheheh, you should know my dear friend with deaf people who know of this in Naples Gabriel called, well, that Gabriel is a powerful man fuck nu cu much, struonzo a first-class. So I go to him and say, "Look dear Gabriel agg'i dan'dà in the past, it can be FFA?"

him with his linguistic culture from Dante's teacher told me: "Dear Lello magician, I, with my art supplime ESO and terico, making you eat two of hoopoe uoue na pasta and shipped directly to you in the middle ages and, in turn. "
cuss And here I am with her. But still I have not said why they are here. See Dr. dear, I have not said everything. My name is Cate, friends Lello, but last I Rallo, u stationmasters OM?
"Lello Rallo?! I want to say that she ... she ... is the son of Pierre? "
" Eeeiii, u figghiu, ciaiu and how old? I am the son of son of son ... well, Piera Rallo was my relative. "
" Corbezzoli! And then you talk, if he knows something has to speak! "
"Dr, I modestly that Sacco is not much, I really do not sacciu almost nothing, I needed the 200 euros for the exhaust of the motor that since yesterday I fell from the asphalt now I can not do cchiù snatching, however, only to not take the struonzo I am, I can tell you that the murderess is not the same person with my futteva bisbisbisnonna, the murderess, as I said my great-aunt of the Assumption, he killed the woman for what she was doing. Nothing more sacciu. Now give me the deaf that I must return home to do the snatching. "
" Thank you Mr. Wizard Lello Rallo, I will pray for his business success to me is to visit one of these days, its presence is pleased. "

Mmm, and so the plot thickens. Let's recap. Rimba had an affair with the cook but she left him and so he was castrated. The same Rimba knew the name of the lover of old, but just tried to say he was killed. We can not say with certainty that the murderess of Rimba is the same as the cook, or was only his lover who wanted to keep secret in the history of love.
know that my brother Sigismund wanted to kill the cook, but was persuaded not to do so by the panorama offered by the horror of fornication woman. The latest surveys Carry Lucherino know that the butler Sigfredo worked as a stripper, although the reasons for this are still in the dark. Finally, we know that the courtesan Ascania was the daughter of the cook and who suffered sexual harassment during puberty, was also madly in love with Ascania Rimba, the lover and for initial despair Piera castrates also putting an end to the joys of carnal daughter, so that it, Ascanio, a matricide planned but not accomplished since the woman already killed before. And already, but by whom?

Hidden Blade Mechanisem

Point 11: Nudity for no reason, do strange kinship and

Rated head, she entrusted me with this case of murder in his house reverend, I Carry Siskin, thanks to my client Menenghello Vitaliano Campano, we are making our investigations and the first interrogation, in addition to having collected several tests. carry the full and uncensored part of one of these.

Carry Siskin and Messer Menenghello Vitaliano Campano Sigfredo questioning the butler. Abbreviations (Re / Ghelli (together, because we talk in sync, otherwise I just RIL vs Sg) Action:

RIL, "Mr Sigfredo However, your passport says you have 40 years you have been a breeder of birds for twenty years, why did you change your job to make the butler? ".

Sg:" The birds I was bored, they devoted all my life, then decided to change and this was the first job and I found that I accepted willingly. "

Rip:" Well before this job, but you find yourself another "noble" job ... "
Sg:" I do not understand that we speak, after selling my business, and this no one else was my life up to now .. "
Rip:" what you say, the ten jobs before this, to bring Lucherino not miss anything, mind you, no need to lie ahead ... do not make it dumb, admits to having worked for three months in a local strip club for women, where you also exhibited this .. you have not written in your references and why? how come you have not said to have been a stripper for men, cosìè you ashamed?? ".
Sg: ".... and not see what I can do with the murder, I needed money, I would have accepted any employment .. ".
Ri / Ghelli," with the sale of birds you ricavaste almost 50 000 €, we say that you have not had your hunger .. We also know that many of your friends who live in your area, seeing always looking for a job "honest" you offered a job, one as a clerk in a copy shop, another as the lava stairs of a building, such as another dog sitter, another as a companion for the elderly, another as a teacher of swimming and Latin America (since you been a teacher ..) but you all these jobs and you refused accesttaste, for the modest sum of € 300 per month to use at that Office for men only, exactly half of what you offered in your area, work onorabilissimi you all because you refused ..???".
Sg "are not required to respond, she is my confessor, and these none of his business. "RIL
:" No dear, I am interested to know all right (...) aAs investigations mean .. I want to know what pushed you to go to work as a stripper, I need to know to better analyze your personality .. forward tell, I repeat that with Carry Lucherini not have secrets, because I know them .. ".
Sg:" But you're saying, you know nothing .. NOTHING NOTHING UNDERSTAND? AND NOW let me be. "

Thus he went away slamming the door.

Later, I went to find and appears Menenghello Miss Ascania. Carryover (ehehe name, in fact) his interrogation.

RIL, "then Miss Ascania naturalemte tell us in detail and with great precision, the details are important, what she did while he was with Mr. Sigmund, we want to know, but we do it for her well, you know .. "
Asc: "I have nothing to tell, I can simply say that I only did what I was asked, nothing more, nothing less."
Ri / Ghelli: "the know, but we want to know the details ...".
Asc: "there are not many, things are always the same, I'm paid for that, it's my job, my occupation, I can not say more .. ".
RIL:" Do not you mean, young lady, does not mean ... remember that nothing escapes Carry Lucherino not, he knows everything, even when the beautiful young ladies do not confess, do not tell their confessor, their pranks, when they have eaten too much chocolate and cookies stolen from the teapot ... want me to ask the question explicitly? ".
Asc:" I repeat, do not know what you mean, I do not know what he wants to know, even I will tell you that his interest is very annoying .. "RIL
:" Stop, I want you to talk to me with great care, that thing out there ... not the shy side ... "
Asc:" its not understand ... "
RIL," agree the games are over, I know of that plan progettaste you with your lover .. the attack against the house, especially to Mr. Sigmund and Mr. Franz .. your vengeance against one of them, of your deep hatred for this house, how you entered the bed of the brothers, not for love but of lust, deceit, how proggetaste TO KILL! But the cook was discovered and you have killed, as you have killed Rimba, your lover first of emasculation, you hated to cook for two reasons, even three: he was beloved by your lover Rimba and accomplice, knowing that you had intended to kill Ms. Franz and Sigismodo and to fulfill your vengeance, the cook was the mother of the owners, not to mention that this woman took advantage of you, which we discovered by reading your diary . So revenge for a woman like you .. calculator There is no escape, you will have a life sentence on ... confess! ".
Asc:" Okay I confess, I HAD to committing to one of them the perfect crime, that very day he died that infernal woman who I hated tremendously, it's all true, I would rather go to jail for life and take away the satisfaction of killing the harpy, the monstrous woman, the hag, she who humiliated me, that brutalizes on me, the one who took my love, one who, while not yield to him, knowing that I loved him, he made sure that what is castration alone and only take it away from me, with its Spells ... that witch .. that bitch ... more than anything in the world I wanted to kill her, I swear and I do not deny, I had everything planned, but when I went into the kitchen to her .. against my will was already dead ... and I say this because I would not care about dying or going to jail, me, me, me, and I wanted to kill that woman hell, the wicked and perverse woman who brought me into the world. Yes you read right, I would have spotted any of matricide without repentance, but someone came before me .. and I want the hands that someone who has deprived me of the joy of killing my mother.

With these words ends the first part of the interrogation conducted by me and by my faithful Menenghello.
esteemed greetings reported

Burning Sensation In Lower Leds

Point 10: Siskin conjecture and fall with a bow

Ordunque adust a robust and strangled the poor emasculated Rimba (but who do glielha fact that castration, but this is only my modest opinion) a major force raw and wild. I would say that has not been strangled by itself, but that it is murder. I
, Siskin Shows, and my pops Menenghello Tartufello Sventurello encamped, we are in possession of a document proof that the love relationship has developed between two innnamorati, the problem is who they are.
made some enormous assumptions and, after hearing what you like best:
1) your maid of honor Ascania wrote the letter for your brother Sigurd, with regard to the signature "ES" simple, or she was wrong to sign, or has use of random initial or a name of art, or would not be recognized (at the time did not forget the letters, but he has really forgotten, or lost it, or was not left there by chance?)
2 ) was written by Simon your waitress, I have diagnosed to be very fiery, perhaps intended for the butler, or your brother, or the gardener (I do not know if the qule can read, write-bad-and I have already indicated that it is capable);
3) the author is out of suspects, is that maybe some of your lover, or at least not decisive for our investigation, as regards other;
4) the author calls himself "E. D" but if we read not as "E" and as "S" but when combined the sounds coming out "THEY" or the letter they = S maybe the author wrote the letter as it is pronounced, maybe it has inadvertently written English and pronunciation; duinque or our individual is totally stupid or very clever, so much to take deliberately put off the road (think about it: who would know recognize the supermarket Slipknot without a mask? nobody, not even their mothers, and so we faced with this semi-anonymous author of this letter);
5) "'cause with the birds I'll share this lonely view" I would say that is significant, could help solve the case;
6) who scitto package should wash your hair;
7) a meeting in the same place: the encountering were lovers but who are they? Got the victim?
8) who had the courage to copulate with the cook Piera did because she was really in love or because he wanted to experience the thrill of going with a fat just for the heck of it (and have it)?
9) there is no case number nine;
10) (for make up the numbers), therefore, the author is Sigrifido that has a relationship with Sigmund, who since has a particular interest in things has had a troubled relationship with the cook, because she saw in her mother. Fault fault ... Simone, the waitress has had a relationship with the cook, who was bisexual, even the maid, only to have the secret of scarcella cake Puglia (much appreciated by Mario in "Letters from Capri", but you are inniorante and you can not understand);
11) the letters were written by his daughter fourteen of the cook who had a liking to the music teacher instead flew the mother, then her daughter, Peruvieni, killed his mother, simulated intercourse with her or maybe he spiato mentre la madre lo aveva con il suo probabile assassino, ma non è da esludere che Peruvieni abbia ucciso la madre, ecco io ne sono convinto.
Altre ipotesi la mia debole mente al momento non riesce a formularne.
Menenghello mi ha portato una scatola chiusa indirizzata a me, molto ben confezionata con della bella carta rossa e un bel fiocco, come sono curioso, vediamo cosa contiene..

E' un uccellino ucciso...

Activacion Wizard Outlook 2007

Point 8: Love Letters of woman's hand

Dunque un amore infelice o semiricambiato, capita , capita, nulla di grave...
piuttosto mi sono accertato sulle tre cameriere, Well they are all women ... There is no doubt.
Well, then the woman had a consensual relationship with one of three men, unless it was with another come from outside.
Butler said that no one came to the castle, but stated that it was present only in the morning around 9 when he left to buy some food for breakfast, like his goat's milk for example, since she drinks and takes all morning.
Oibò through Menenghello Tartufello, my faithful assistant, that's what I encounter.

My love, see you tonight
which is the last night, I love you and desire you, I belong to you forever .. ee hours
The usual place, at the usual time.


Of the four suspects have liniziale the name beginning with "s" but "and" what is?
The letter, from my extensive experience in women's field is certainly due to a woman, but who is it for?
Menenghello Tartufello has found in the garden of worship on the ground in the bushes of red roses. Maybe it means nothing, but it's good to know who it belongs to.
Tomorrow I will do a careful calligraphic skill to see who it is.
await the passports of the suspects, to provide or you think you prefer to be myself with them requires? Always at

your service. Carry

Monday, January 28, 2008

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No Bet 9 (time gap): Libido corporis Asclepius

Yet another interrogation, dear Viridiana: this misfortune we wind adventure in the advent of the advent of so much glory won by the firm, a room for the couch of transmission time (?). Ordunque now was the time of the beloved song Germino Mino, the mother's tears. Song of the interrogator brother Sigismund, whose head is a globe, so that good came out of his chest a confession from the lips of his brother on reasonable suspicion. But I leave to you the reading, the truth can be found in this posture, and then you tell me how hard it is, seek the truth of the walls.
MG: "So Mr. Sigismund, where was she at the time of the murder of the cook?"
Sig: "I was in bed with Ascanio, the famous courtesan for his talent for oral
MG" Ah, is a skilled singer, is not it? ".
Sig: "more than to release notes his mouth is no longer prepared to accept the harsh masculine spirit." MG: "I do not understand what he's talking about." Sig: "It 's logical, her brother is."
MG: "However, we will ask the courtesan to see if he tells the truth. What has stayed in bed with your worship?"
Sig: "All morning, until the discovery of the corpse, screams woke me."
MG: "Wake up? So Ascania was in bed with only sleeping".
Sig: "Yes, it's my perversion, libido corporis Asclepius in medical terms: aroused only if abused while sleeping."
At these words a shame in my face was painted, I had blood ties with one so desires, it was as if I was related to a beast.
MG: "Please come woman!" Germino said. Shortly after the woman entered the interrogation room. "You Ascania, the woman of the court, is not it? " Mino said the young woman "Yes, I Ascania, at your service and pleasure." "Do not say such filth! I am a man of faith, rather, is it true that you cook on the day of the killing was in bed with Sigismund, brother of Franz?" . "Yes, it's true." MG: "And what we have left? .
A: "I do not remember much, I just remember the screams and a big circle to the head."
MG: "Mmm, you make the case for drug use?" .
A: "No, the only substances that are ingested orally and not dulled cognitive skills but are good for your skin."
How strange, I thought, this woman is too much.
MG: "What a disconcerting! But tell me, you really sure that Sigismund was in bed with her at this hour?"
A: "As I told you, my dear sir, I have a vacuum that day."
Germino At this point he turned to Sigmund and asked
MG: "Sir Sigmund, from the suffering of such perversity?".
Sig: "The doctor has diagnosed me Hans Gunter last month."
MG " strange, and why were found in the drawer of her bedside table The fruits of Physalis alkekengi, better known as ALICACABO, fruit with extraordinary virtue 'soporific GIA' NOTE TO OLD GROWTH AND LATIN? How Can a healthy person needs dell'alicacabo? Confess, you suffer from insomnia, it is true ? "I". " Alicacabo and says he takes the suffering of copulatio soporis, how is it possible? I confess, she can never sleep, suffering from severe insomnia conditioning. "" Now - Germino said Mino - I'll tell you how they went the facts. She has long harbored the idea to kill the cook, so he does the doctor diagnose the Gunter copulatio soporis so as not to arouse suspicion. In the morning, calls the ether Ascania and drugs. Once addicted walks sneaking into the kitchen. In the kitchen is the cook to copulate with another person. Expects the report will be consumed and then, when out of her lover, kills the woman. Exit the room, slips under the covers and wait for the corpse is found. At the sound of screams pretends to wake up so that the face Ascania alibi ".
Sig:" humbug! They are just nonsense! ".
MG:" lies? And tell me, she is not the case for a vegetarian? ".
Sig:" Sure, but what does that prove? ".
MG: " prove his resentment against the cook. Mr. Franz, where he came from the cook? ".
It said," from San Nicandro Garganico, province of Foggia, in Apulia.
MG: "Yes , Apulia. It is not by chance that the village famous for its unique diet based exclusively on meat? Sure! I confess, she killed the woman because she made her fast. "
Sig:" It ' true! I confess, I hated that woman. Several times I begged for a salad but you anything, just had to put the kidneys, liver and tripe. Never a lettuce, tomato, meat only, meat, meat! But I did not kill her. That day, that day I remember well .
'It is true - went Sigmund - that day I had planned the murderess of the cook but someone preceded me. That morning, after having drugged Ascania I went into the kitchen, there I saw a naked man lying on the soft body of the cook, were fornicating. At first I wanted to wait until the two end up nothing but the sight was too horrible, so I left.
MG: "Tell me , recognized the lover of the cook?" .
Sig: " No, I've only seen the back, all I can say is that I have a heart shape on the left buttock .
MG: " all for now dear Sigismund, but expect another interrogation. One last thing, mica knows who the letter was addressed, the one with the initials ES?" .
Sig: " Yes, I wrote my full name is Sigismund Epaminondas"
Epaminondas! But this means that ... I thought.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

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Point 7: From the Secret Diary of Rimba

has just been found in the private room in a secret drawer of the desk Chippendale Rimba a diary. It would seem his personal diary. These are his words

Piera not love me anymore By now, at least that's what I think. Sometimes I get the impression that I was just a friend for her, it's like if you do not care about my body. He once told me: "I like the music you write more than what they seem." I always thought he was more interested in my intellectual aspect, as if the rest do not had no importance. I feel like a head without a body, if we were just friends would not change our relationship in any way, so I was castrated, at least I do not feel guilty if I wish to join her on a more carnal. For you are a music without a musician. A platonic love, nothing more.

The hapless musician Rimba, a copy of "male" d 'castrato singer (as he would have called the Tomb of Ugo good) how would the ancient practice of eighteenth-century opera, has died here but we want to remember in remains of Senesino, but he was the same.


First of all I have to ask why, if the victim died of perforation of the lung are clear cut at delo stomach. Quel'è alarm of the crime? a long blade without teeth? What are those yellow wires that dust and rust? My expertise
who was very expert in the field allows me to say that greed of butylated hydroxytoluene is a mixture of organic chemical toluene hydroxide also known as BHT phenol Achila at room temperature that occurs as a white crystalline powder slightly soluble in water which is use as antiossiodante both polymers in food that plays a preservative, it reacts with free radicals and prevents oxidation of fats. Among the food additives is identified as E321.
carboxylic acids are composed of primary and in the solid and liquid are combined to form dimers via hydrogen bonds, for example as simple as formic acid occurs naturally in many insects and some plants in particular in the venom of fire ants and nettle leaves where there is formic acid which creates itching (it's a perfect location to accuse someone of having evidence thrown in a field of nettles). After some testing lab is the asanas in small droplets of formic acid trapped in the first layer of the epidermis.
Hypothesis: a stick rusty, has inghittito analgesics, because the carbolic acid is also found in Possoni analgesic (aspirin), it is possible that the woman had also taken drugs before death.
For the moment I still need time to repeat every thing ..
As for the ticket, the description of the holes are not very clear, are said to be cutting four holes but they ke says there are no cuts or sawdust and then notched the knife used, but no jagged blade without serrations is a carving knife, this knife is stainless steel can not rust 15 length usually used in cooking. It
may also consider the old seamstress scissors that the victim kept in the house even with small pieces of wire stuck in the mechanism during the impact are now deposited in the first hole, the central more direct. The rust may be present in nature on the leaves then potrebbedi relationship with a gardening tool as they continue to rust and yellow wires in a laceration? The package ... .. but I still think it was written vertically or horizontally? My purple
cells must now rest and I'll know when you will be taken to rely on my skills.

Dear Mr. Ferdinand,

here is my opinion on this: The musician died of a heart attack but was assassinated. Someone has prevented our witness who was about to reveal the name of the person with whom the victim has consumed the love. Our suspicion, the number has been reduced from nine to eight drasticamante, but we are identifying the man

  1. Sigfredo, the butler;

  2. Earl The brute gardener;

  3. Sigismund, his brother .

we could say that men are over, but who will guarantee that under the guise of the other women did not conceal any hint of unmistakable evidence manly? I see to it personally, as it should be, that the Miss Ascania, Simon, Luan, Sophie is really what promises to be. We must go beyond the normal appearance. So I would not exclude any of the eight suspects. I wish I had the passports of the suspects and interrogate them personally. I want to know their age, their birth, if there were relatives of the dead, if someone had a plausible case for commit the crime. Nor is it possible that the woman had had sexual relations with women, which perhaps is not even a woman. The musician helpless ... must already be was really hard to confess .. but nothing will be impossible to Carry Lucherino seen that will solve the case with its gray celluline stolen at Poirot colleague. As soon as I possibly can face it alone questions and I communicate what I found.

Stimatamente Carry your

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Point 6: Summary of Previously


The cook Piera
was murdered by a violent blow to the stomach. The murder weapon has not yet been found. We know that in the hands of the victim was holding a small piece of torn yellow color with words written on a stained blood (the victim).
questioned by police chief Andrei Koimasckij, the music teacher Rimba confesses his love for the victim but he denies being the killer. Pressed by questions of Koimasckij, Rimba is about to confess who copulation with the cook on the day of his assassination, but in some crucial moment, perhaps the murderess, the light in the room and make a start quickly kills the master.
At this point, the private investigator Carry Siskin, pending the autopsy of another victim, he decides to "prove" the sexuality of three young maids of the castle, not denying a certain taste as women necrophiliac next 80 years. With the help
the gallant assistant Meneghello, our Carry Lucherino becomes aware of a love letter signed ES
Who is the murderess?


- medical report on SGH3AOM
08/06/2007 - Patient's name: Antoine Rimba
- Nationality: French
- Weight: 70 kg
- Height: 80 cm and 1 meter

- Date of birth: 05/25/1955
- Time of death: 8: 40
- Cause of death: Asphyxiation due to strangulation

The victim shows signs of obvious choking noose. The neck is surrounded from a blood line around the entire circumference. By muscular rigidity and signs of broken capillaries eye we can deduce that the force exerted by the suppression was significant for both the death was swift.
The groove in the neck is horizontal, without interruption, and of uniform depth.
In the deep tissues of the neck are bruising, torn muscles, ruptured carotid intima osteocartilagineo apparatus and traumatic injuries of the larynx, bleeding este
with diffusion even if the base of the tongue. The victim also has cyanosis of the face and bruising conjunctival

Dr. Hans Günter
Ingolstad, 06/09/2007

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No Bet 5: Music as soul food. First interrogation

Wiridiana Dearest,
you already know how horrible and regrettable incidents have happened in my castle. The obliging chef Pierre was assassinated days earlier and his murderess there are still traces. Now I can not sleep at night, I always have the fear of being killed, because the murderess is still hiding in the friendly face of one of my employees, I suspect worn, trusting only in his good work by the investigator consigliatomi brother Camillo.
This morning there was the first interrogation, Detective Carry Siskin said he had already thought of something but not you want to tip the balance, first, he says, we need concrete evidence, I'm just becoming acquainted with the facts before had hidden, dark intrigue, foul perversions, ties unresolved. But I want to share with you the interview today, exposing the fact to fact.

At 8 am a sweet melody coming out of the music room of the castle, echoing in every corner of the building, as if the music of the spheres as spoken by Pythagoras was finally heard. The master of music Rimba was practicing the harp, his favorite instrument. It seemed almost a violence to get shot, so we decided to wait until the end of that sweet sound. The music room the room was vast, largely as a polo field, with musical instruments of various countries and various periods of history, surrounded here and there on either side of the room. Rimba sat.

"Please Koimasckij, the witness is his own," said Siskin Carried away with doing

"the vingvazio signov Vipovto, but just call me Andveij "said Koimasckij
" ... Andrei Koimasckij? In name and in fact? "Said Siskin
" More than that named "
In this sentence the investigator Carry moved away from the head of the Prussian police
"Allove maestvo Vimbò ..."

"Rimba, Rimba pronounce" interrupted the maestro

"Vimbò, that's what I said"
"RRimbò not Vimbò"
"VVimbò! happens to be deaf like Beethoven? "
" never mind "said dejected Master
"Allove, signov mestvo, Where is she from where to where 24:30 13:30?
"I was here, I was composing a sonata for strings and flutes for the upcoming birthdays of Monsieur Franz"
"Tell me, anyone can confevmave his vevsione?"
"No, as everyone knows, my music visit me only when they are in perfect solitude "
" So we do not have witnesses ... mmm, and tell me that he had ties with the victim? "
" No, it was only the cook of the castle, that's all "
" So there Pavla? "
" Seldom "
" Mmm, and why we tvovato cameva this in his letters in which YOU ( the tone of voice began to rise Koimasckij ) DICE, Pavol TEXT: "VOVVEI THIS MOMENT would not end and continue to CIBAVMI WITH ITS FLAT AND I WITH MY MUSIC, I LOVE MY QUARRY PIEVE A "?!
"No, not as it seems!"
At these words, my body froze, I had no idea that Rimba loved the cook. In my castle things were happening that were beyond my understanding, I realized I was alone. My gaze went to Carry Siskin, stood motionless, absent, almost patient to start with his interrogation. That man scared me.

"I loved her!"
" CEVTO who loved her so much that he had a VAPPOVTO PVIMA OF SEXUAL UCCIDEVLA, is not it ?"
" LIES! "
" lie says, he wants sapeve as I think things went? At 0:30 in the kitchen and you entva fovnica with the victim. After the cook the sexual vappovto infomva that vostva ovmai her investiture is completed. She has a fit of VAT and so with the 2 fork stabs. But the movt is vepentina scvive so the woman on a piece of Cavtata scores, pvesole from his pocket mentve was consuming vappovto sexual Vimbò namely the name of the murderer, but she accovge and so the paper stvappa tva victim's hands and out of the kitchen covsa "
" No, not true "
" It is not Vevo? I tell my cable mastvo music, why she uses the tuning fork's BCE accovdave stvumenti are pointed? E 'tuning fork with an unusually pointed tips "
" This is special tuning fork, the tip is required to improve the quality of the instrument dell'intonatura "
" Mmm, "said Koimasckij headed for the shelf of the hall. With shutter opened the top drawer and noticed the second pitch sharp. I look at them from below and from then, finally, noticing something he said with sparkling eyes: "Mmm, why TVOVANO IS ON THESE BOVDI DIAPASON bloodstains ?" Shouted Koimasckij.
'E' that my blood! I point this morning, is not the victim "
" You think so? Mmm, and tell me, what are colove sheets spavtito BCE schiveve she uses the music? BCE is not the case pagliavini yellow leaves, like those adopted at the hands of the victim? "
" I do not know anything! I swear! "
" Not Giuva nothing. And in the package are not Pavol tvotate BCE initial case of musical notes? The King and Sol? As you explain that? "
" I do not know what to say, I do not know anything. I repeat, at that time he was composing music
"Allove negave wants everything? Denies that he loved the cook? "
" No! I really loved her "
" and denies that he had consensual sex with the victim vappovto pvima of movt? "
" Yes, I have not had a relationship with Pierre, I could not ... "
" And why could not? "
"I ... I am helpless "
A roar rose in the room.
'It is true, I loved Piera, and it is also true that she did not want to see me but I have not killed I, another, another relationship that has consumed that day. This is ... "But that phrase
rose the dark and after a few moments he heard the broken voice of Rimba.
"Pvesto, a candle, go light," cried Koimasckij, but it was too late, when everything was lit Rimba was lifeless, killed him dead, he too. The culprit has claimed another victim.
The mystery still remains shrouded in doubt. We wait for the medical report for that other victim
"Vipovto Luchevino - said Andrei Koimasckiy - what she could from Pavol deduvve of Vimbò?"

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

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Point 4: Franz writes Siskin, while the medical report comes


Circumstantial evidence N. 1
  1. piece of paper straw yellow color, size 5cm X 8cm
  2. Tear irregular
  3. Form rhombic
  4. Traces of blood on the edges
  5. No fingerprints
  6. traces greenish sides
  7. Scripture now unreadable. You only read these words:. SO.RE.L.LA.

Dear Carry Siskin,
the coach will be by you at times, waiting I would submit them to read the medical report of Dr. Gunter about the murder of the cook. Look
She obviously to start the interrogation, but it seemed right to entrust the precious help of our police chief Prussian sergeant Koimasckij, and my trusty right arm Mino Germino. If you are not in the way, I also would like to be present during questioning of suspects. Waiting for your news

PS I think you have mistaken me for someone else, my family name is Ferdinand


medical report SGH2AOL on 07/06/2007 The name of the patient
: Piera Rallo
Nationality: Italian
Weight: 80 kg
Height: 1 meter and 62 centimeters
Time of death: 11:30 at 12:30 on 06/06/2007
Cause of death: perforation of the left lung by a blunt blade 15 cm long and suffocation due to obstruction of its blood.
The victim has a wound to his stomach consisting of four holes cut 15 cm long. Close of the holes you see four bruises, cuts or sawdust are not jagged. Inside the center hole sono stati rinvenuti dei fili giallastri e della polvere di ruggire.
Non sono presenti commozioni in altre parti del corpo ne segni di tentata resistenza da parte della vittima.

La lavanda gastrica ha rivelato la presenza nello stomaco di rosmarino in polvere, butilato di idrossitoluene, acidi carbosillici e carne di animale.
Ad un attenta analisi del sangue la donna presentava una carenza di glucosio, per tanto si deduce che la paziente soffrisse di ipoglicemia ma si deve escludere lo stato patologico dalla causa di morte.
L’analisi ginecologica ha rivelato tracce di sperma nella cavità vaginale ma non sono presenti traces of blood much less tearing. Sexual intercourse consumed by the victim can be considered consensual.
The slip of paper found in the left hand of the patient is still in the lab waiting for the calligraphic and chemical examinations.

Dr. Hans Günther
Ingolstadt, 07.06.2007

Hans Günter

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No Bet 3: Carry Lucherino accepts the case

Dear Mr. Franz Ferdinand
his case interests me greatly and I would be happy to be d 'help.
ordunqhe body was riven at 13.30 and worship at the table usually sits at 12.30, I wonder why you waited require an hour to lunch?
of what they discussed about half an hour to your butler and the cook?
mean that she was not home at the time of discovery if it is true as stated that he returned from hunting. was attacked at the front of the stomach and the stab was not found. where is it?
was made to disappear because the prints? then it was a murder instinct would otherwise have used forms as precautionary gloves. I would nevertheless like to see that piece of paper and look to question nine suspects with your worship.
Pack your bags and look for your car tomorrow.
estimated Regards,

Carry Lucherino

June 6 duemilaesette

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No Bet 2: Camillo Romildo respond to the letter of his close friend Franz Rottenmeir on the death of the cook Piera

Dear friend, I read just now
the events I have narrated is very regrettable that this happened at your noble house. you need to know that I know of a really well-known private investigator and genius surprisingly up and realized I call it Carry Siskin and his reputation, as well as his fine and careful intelligence could help risorvere the case. If you have nothing against it, could I tell him the facts and get in touch with him, which I guarantee you the best and complete privacy and silence.
I'm sure he would be delighted to work with you to solve the case and the pursuit of truth.
always with respect, your
June 6 duemilaesette
ps I kindly ask you to your own, if ever you want, reply in writing carattari bigger because of my strong myopia. I hope for you is not a disorder, but to the best benefit of your writings I would be more appropriate if carattrei with more visible.
always your camillo

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

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Point 1: The murder of the cook

In the kitchen the cook was poured. Lying in the gutter, scarlet, his face was still marked by the expression of fear. Who killed the woman? With
report I analyzed the corpse of the woman in search of evidence, his long white tunic work was now full of blood leaking from a wound 5 cm long cut from the pit of my stomach. At first I thought of a knife but the shape of the wound is not in agreement with this hypothesis, however, of the murder weapon yet there are no tracks. But back to facts.
The facts are: 1
. Pierre was killed, the cook, judging by the rigidity of his body and the basal body temperature, over a period of time ranging from 11 to 13. We also know that the butler Sigfredo confessed having discussed with the victim at about 11 and 30, and we also know that the meal is always served at 12 and 30. To so we can safely say that the cook was killed from 11:30 to 24:30.
2. The pots were still on fire at the time of the discovery of the corpse, so we can say that the cook was cooking at the time of the murder.
3. At the time of the murder were likely present in the castle the butler Sigfredo, the music teacher Rimba, the Ascania court lady, the gardener Earle, my brother Sigismund, the three maids, Simon and Sophie Luan. I was coming back from my game of fox hunting.
4. In the vicinity of the wound of the dead were found the yellow wire, but no one knows yet what are
5. In the hand the cook took a piece of paper now illegible because of bloodstains. In the evening I will
to question the 9 suspects, of course I am willing to listen to your suggestions and suspicions.
With respect, your
